
Duration: 14 days / 13 nights or 16 days / 15 nights
Transport: surface


Day 1: Arrive at Bale International Airport (Addis Ababa) where you will be met by Destiny Ethiopia Tour and Travel representative and transfer to hotel. O/N – Hotel

Day 2: After breakfast drive to Debre Markos visiting the 13th century Debre Libanos Monastery and the Blue Nile Gorge. O/N – Hotel.

Day 3: After breakfast drive to Bahir Dar visiting Lake Zengena and afternoon enjoy a boat ride on Lake Tana to visit the famous ancient island monasteries.  O/N – Hotel.

Day 4: After breakfast drive to Blue Nile Fall and visit the majestic falls. Continue driving to Gondar-the Camelot of Africa. Afternoon visiting Guzura (Emperor Sertse Dengel) Palace (16th C).  O/N – Hotel

Day 5: Sightseeing tour of Gondar to visit the 17th & 18th century castles, the Bath of Emperor Fasilades, the monastery of Qusquam and the icon-rich church of Debre Birhan Sillassie.  O/N – Hotel.

Day 6: After breakfast drive to Axum through the beautiful Scenery of Simien Mountains and Tekeze River Gorge. O/N – Hotel.

Day 7: Sightseeing tour of Axum that includes: St. Mary of Zion church- where the original Arc of the covenant is still housed in, Archeological museum, Ancient Steles Park, tombs of Ancient Kings, and the ruined palace of the Queen of Sheba/10th C BC).  O/N – Hotel.

Day 8: After breakfast drive Mekele, visiting the 5th C BC Temple of Yeha, the rock churches of Tigray.  O/N -Hotel.

Day 9: After breakfast drive to Lalibela- it is famous for its 11 monolithic rock hewn churches hand carved by king Lalibela in the late 12th and early 13th century A.D. O/N – Hotel.

Day 10: Sightseeing tour of Lalibela that includes the first, the second and the third groups of rock churches. O/N – Hotel.

Day 11: Morning excursion to visit Yemrhane Kirstors built up Cave church; Afternoon excursion to visit the 13th C cave Church of Neakuto Le’ab. O/n Hotel

Day 12: After breakfast drive to Dessie/Kembolcha visiting Hayk Istifanos monastery en route. O/N – Hotel.

Day 13: After breakfast drive back to Addis, visiting village of the Amhara and Oromo. O/N – Hotel.

Day 14: Sightseeing tour of Addis, including National and Archeological Museum, Ethnographic Museum, Holy Trinity Cathedral, St. George Cathedral, Entoto- highest peak in Addis/3200m) for panoramic view of the city and finally Merkato-largest open air market in Africa. Evening farewell dinner party and Departure.


Day 13: Drive through Ethiopian Great Rift Valley Region to Awash. Visiting the Amhara, Oromo and Afar tribal villages. O/n Hotel

Day 14: A scenic drive to the Walled city of Harar. It is considered the 4th Islamic holiest city in the world with more than 100 mosques.  Evening visiting the Hyena man. O/n Hotel

Day 14: sightseeing tour of Harar. That includes: colorful markets, Cultural Museums, Grand Mosques, Emperor Haile Silasse childhood residence, the 16th C encircling Wall and its gates.  O/N- hotel.

Day 15: Another scenic drive to Nazeret/ Adama. On the way game drive in Awash National Park.  O/N Hotel.

Day 16: Drive back to Addis. Sightseeing tour, farewell dinner and departure.

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